Sunday, August 14, 2005

We Are All - One

After a recent meeting for worship it was suggested that three succinct quotes are often effective to express and summarize a personal perspective, outlook, or belief. Here are three of my favorite quotes.

Christ is all, and in all, (Colossians 3:11).
That God may be All in All, (1 Corinthians 15:28).
He that is joined unto the Lord is One Spirit, (1 Corinthians 6:17).

Together they say to me that the Christ is all, and that God is all, and that We are all… One.

URfriend, Dean Johnson

P.S. Love is revealed to “gather together in One all things in Christ” showing us that nothing could separate us from God, or one another, (Ephesians 1:10, Romans 5:8, 8:39).

Love reconciles everything, making peace with everything and everyone in heaven and on earth, (Colossians 1:20).

The alienation and separation people experience in a darkened mind are just temporal lies, deceptions, and misperceptions, (Ephesians 4:18).

For Christ is all. God is all. And We are all ….One.

With the mind of the Christ we can see beyond a limited individual human viewpoint to the divine perspective revealed at the consummation, to Eternity where "God is all".

Seeing everyone as joined to the Lord, and as One Spirit.
URfriend, Dean Johnson


URfriend, Dean Johnson said...

Some still see divisions, so we come preaching Peace, knowing that love will never fail.

Indeed there is ONE God and Father of All, who is above all and through All, and in you All. Through Christ he has broken down the middle wall of partition that we (Humanity - Jews and Gentiles) had set up between us. Through Christ we realize we are All ONE in Him who unites and reconciles all things in heaven and earth into one body, for in reality there is only one body. So we are One.

All things and All creation made new and One in Him, the new creation, the New Man,

At Rest, Knowing that all things are made new,
URfriend, Dean Johnson

(Ephesians 4:6, 2:14, 1:10, Colossians 1:16, 20, 3:10-11, Ephesians 4:4, 1 Corinthians 5:17)

URfriend, Dean Johnson said...

"We are all - One" has been translated into Chinese.

We are all one.

SocietyVs said...

So true, we are all one (not meaning we will all be the same) but we are altogether believing the same Jesus (or at least those teachings). I am all for the unity of the body of Christ and casting off shackles that seek to divide us (as has been the case for so long in church history).