Friendly Non Threatening Persuasion from a Liberal minded, Christ centered, and Non-denominational believer.
Monday, October 09, 2006
A Comparative Anthology Of Sacred Texts
Universal Salvation
I am grateful for salvation in every sense of the word. It seems that the desire of the universe is to see all reunited. As we agree on earth surely it shall be done.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
How Christ Unites Christians and Universalists
How Christ the Inward Light Unites Universalism and Christianity?
An insight from Samuel D. Caldwell.
Though written by a Quaker to The Religious Society of Friends, I thought some of the insights might be helpful for the larger Christian Universalist Community. We may not agree with every detail, but it is interesting food for thought.
Where are we going?
URfriend, Dean Johnson
Monday, July 10, 2006
The Resurrection of All in All in The Spiritual Body of Christ
Click your cursor on the above link for some thoughts on
"The Resurrection of All in All within the Spiritual Body of Christ."
An old Quaker confession of faith by Robert Barclay got me thinking about the Coming of Christ, the Resurrection, and the Consummation and how waiting for these events in time differs from the eternal realities.
Does God, Outside of Time, existing in an Eternal Present, allow chronological time-lines for the benefit of our human minds?
In the twinkling of an eye, the Resurrection of Everything. Changing the way we see reality. How do you see it? What do you think?
This article is a springboard for a very practical discussion about the extent of Christ’s indwelling spirit, and our Father’s view of his creation. Join the discussion if you have insights to share. Together we are sure to discover the truth. The Danger and Potential of An Eternal Perspective: An Email Discussion
URfriend, Dean Johnson
Saturday, June 10, 2006
A Letter From a Friend about Meditation
He has created a camp called Camp Everest: Beyond Achievement to teach Seraphim Meditation, and to promote harmony and Oneness. What makes his lecture notes so interesting is that we see a Western Canadian Christ-centered Outlook merging with the “Eastern” experience of Oneness and Infinity.
I found his writing and story very intriguing,
and thought it was timely given my most recent posting:
Oneness Within Christianity and Eastern Religion.
The condensed version of this article is Enlightenment and Oneness.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Enlightenment and Oneness: Click here
Spiritual realities are eternal, beyond time, wherever they are found. The Judeo-Christian Bible is firmly grounded within history, and the characters within scripture are generation upon generation moving toward a fuller understanding of these eternal realities. Grounded as they are in history, the eternal perspective is not often out in the open, and is usually only hinted at. Each generation seems caught in its own present truth and human experience, holding onto a surface level of spiritual understanding, often rejecting the new insights of those who would take them one step deeper...
Though I have a Christian background, and have made most of my spiritual discovery through the Bible, the study of world religions is a personal interest of mine. Insights perceived by those outside our own traditions are very often valid. Christ is the light that enlightens every person everywhere. Many spiritual realities hidden deep and often unseen within the Christian scriptures are often discussed openly, plain for all to see within other religions, and other cultures. For this reason, rather than restricting study only to the Bible, it is often easier to present and then apprehend some insights using the language of other traditions. Truth is truth whatever the language...
Coming from a Christ centered perspective I see Christ in all things. When I read about the Hindu concept of the Atman I think about the Christ who lightens every person, (John 1:1,9). I can see the eternal Christ as the divine spark in everyone. When I read of the Hindu understanding of the Brahman I am reminded of the universal, cosmic and spiritual body of Christ, (Colossians 3:11, Ephesians 1:10). The Christ within, the eternal divine spark within all people, is one and the same Spirit as the cosmic universal Christ. As it is written, Christ is all, and in all. Christ is all there is. Realizing this is the essence of "enlightenment ”...
In Hinduism this realization of oneness and interconnectedness is often discovered during the various practices of yoga. Various types of yoga provide various paths to perfect union with the divine. There are 4 common styles of yoga: meditation, study, work and love. Individual circumstances and personality type will often determine the most suitable yoga to practice. There is a tolerant recognition in Hinduism that different sorts of people need and are most comfortable with different spiritual paths toward enlightenment...
In a similar way, the Buddhist notion of skillful means is the idea that enlightenment can come in a variety of ways. Mahayana Buddhism, for example, invites many philosophical and practical approaches toward enlightenment and the discovery of cosmic unity. Some people need to hear a message, others need the connection of a community, and others still need only silence and emptiness, while some focus on the divine nature to see the deeper reality. For Zen Buddhists enlightenment comes as a flash of insight and the sudden realization that nothing is separate from oneself. There is the Buddha (or Christ) nature within and also the Cosmic Buddha. Everything is a part of everything else, and all people and things exist together. I have even heard of some coming to this realization from the study of physics, chemistry, and science.
For me, Christ is the way, but since Christ is all there is, I find truth everywhere I look. I am glad to see the graciousness of God in revealing these realities to people everywhere.
Indeed, we all are able to see beyond a limited human cultural viewpoint, the eyes of our understanding being enlightened to the eternal or divine perspective. We all have the mind of Christ.
Whatever the language, Christ is all and in all. The cosmic Christ is the Christ within. Whether Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or not each moment is and can be an experience of completeness. With enlightened eyes we behold with wisdom and compassion, the completed and ultimate unity. We are all interconnected and one.
God is all, Christ is all, and We are all… One.
Celebrating our Oneness,
In Christ, URfriend,
Dean Johnson
Christ is all, and in all, that God may be all in all.
See The Whole Article
Monday, February 20, 2006
What is Religion To You?
What is Religion?
Lately, I have been thinking about religion generally from an academic perspective.
Defining religion is not easy. Religion can be looked at materialistically, functionally and theologically, and probably many other ways too.
Religion, from a materialistic perspective, is a human attempt to deal with fear of the unknown and the unexplainable (i.e. death). Such human-made religion is an attempt to influence the powers that apparently determine destiny toward a positive outcome or response.
Religion, from a functional perspective, is the action, practice, and organization that encourages and brings a faith community together with a common culture and worldview through mythology and ritual, mystical experience, or morality. It is the focused attempt to join a community together to reconnect with the divine or sacred.
Religion, from a theological perspective, is the human expression, whether corporate or individual, acknowledging a divine or sacred reality. It is a response to revelation of and from the Eternal, often recognized in nature, gnosis, or spiritual practices. It is also the gathering together in community, for encouragement and common purpose in accord with the expressly revealed intension, often to transform or unite the profane to the sacred.
Different folk approach religion from different perspectives. How do you approach it?
Is it an attempt to deal with the unknown? Is it a practical approach to creating community? Or is it the acknowledgement of a fundamental spiritual reality discovered by peoples around the world?
Personally, I approach most of life as a discovery of the divine. This might be called a theological approach. But also seeing the oneness of all reality with the divine, I can see how such academic distinctions break down, and are not sufficient. As one with the divine, and co-workers together in creation, I can see validity in all three views, materialistic, functional, and theological. I figure that we both discover and create our own world. What do you think?
URfriend, Dean Johnson